IMD-mediated innate immune priming increases Drosophila survival and reduces pathogen transmission.
Prakash A, Fenner F, Shit B, Salminen TS, Monteith KM, Khan I, Vale PF
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Negative immune regulation contributes to disease tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Mitochondrial perturbation in immune cells enhances cell-mediated innate immunity in Drosophila.
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Genetic variation in trophic avoidance shows fruit flies are generally attracted to bacterial pathogens.
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Mitochondrial background can explain variable costs of immune deployment.
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Ageing leads to reduced specificity of antimicrobial peptide responses in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Romano V, Lussiana A, Monteith KM, MacIntosh AJJ, Vale PF.
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Mechanisms of damage prevention, signalling and repair impact disease tolerance.
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Variation in mitochondrial DNA affects locomotor activity and sleep in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Dissecting genetic and sex-specific sources of host heterogeneity in pathogen shedding and spread.
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Carry on caring: infected females maintain their parental care despite high mortality.
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Epidemiological dynamics of viral infection in a marine picoeukaryote.
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Drosophila as a Model System to Investigate the Effects of Mitochondrial Variation on Innate Immunity.
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How are arbovirus vectors able to tolerate infection?
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Terminal investment strategies following infection are dependent on diet.
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Population-Level Disease Dynamics Reflect Individual Heterogeneities in Transmission.
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Viral infection causes sex-specific changes in fruit fly social aggregation behaviour.
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The influence of parasites on insect behavior.
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Disease Tolerance: Linking Sickness Behaviours to Metabolism Helps Mitigate Malaria.
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Oral Bacterial Infection and Shedding in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Navigating infection risk during oviposition and cannibalistic foraging in a holometabolous insect.
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Infection avoidance behavior: Viral exposure reduces the motivation to forage in female Drosophila melanogaster.
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Virus Resistance Is Not Costly in a Marine Alga Evolving under Multiple Environmental Stressors.
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The route of infection determines Wolbachia antibacterial protection in Drosophila.
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Nonlinear disease tolerance curves reveal distinct components of host responses to viral infection.
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Costs and benefits of sublethal Drosophila C virus infection.
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Beyond killing: Can we find new ways to manage infection?
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Costs of CRISPR-Cas-mediated resistance in Streptococcus thermophilus.
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Sex-specific behavioural symptoms of viral gut infection and Wolbachia in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Host Genotype and Coinfection Modify the Relationship of within and between Host Transmission.
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Co-infection alters population dynamics of infectious disease.
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Microbiome engineering could select for more virulent pathogens.
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Limiting damage during infection: lessons from infection tolerance for novel therapeutics.
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The evolution of resistance against good and bad infections.
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Host nutrition alters the variance in parasite transmission potential.
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Killing them softly: managing pathogen polymorphism and virulence in spatially variable environments.
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Elevated maternal temperature enhances offspring disease resistance in Daphnia magna.
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The distribution of mutational fitness effects of phage φX174 on different hosts.
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Fecundity compensation and tolerance to a sterilizing pathogen in Daphnia.
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Genetic influence on disease spread following arrival of infected carriers.
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Epidemiological, evolutionary, and coevolutionary implications of context-dependent parasitism.
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CRISPR-mediated phage resistance and the ghost of coevolution past.
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Successfully resisting a pathogen is rarely costly in Daphnia magna.
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Measuring parasite fitness under genetic and thermal variation.
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Infection outcomes under genetic and environmental variation in a host-parasite system: Implications for maintenance of polymorphism and the evolution of virulence.
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The role of the environment in the evolutionary ecology of host parasite interactions.
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Temperature-dependent costs of parasitism and maintenance of polymorphism under genotype-by-environment interactions.
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Parasite transgenerational effects on infection.
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Comportamento social em bactérias. O papel dos cheaters na evolução da resistência a antibióticos.
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