2023 - Pedro was interviewed for an article on ‘The evolution of disgust’ for The Atlantic.
2022 - We were interviewed by the Heredity podcast about our work on Mitochondrial effects on locomotor activity and sleep.
2021 - Watch Pedro talk about the lab's research at the Portuguese Drosophila Meeting in 2021
2020- Pedro was interviewed by the Royal Society for an article on the role and importance of pre-prints for Open Science.
2018- Our work on the evolutionary consequences of damage limiting drugs (Vale et al. 2014. PLOS Biology) was highlighted in the PLOS XV collection, where 12 PLOS Biology Editorial Board Members highlighted their favourite PLOS Biology article published in the previous 15 years. Our work was highlighted by Andrew Read (Penn State) who commented on the originality and importance of the work for the field.
Watch Pedro talk about the lab's research at the Liverpool School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2018